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Imagine your encounter a problem.

Imagine you are equipped with a flashlight.

Awareness (mindfulness) is a bit like the flashlight. Whatever you direct the beam towards becomes visible in the dark. Oftentime you direct its beam toward the problem you encounter – and all the rest is in darkness.

What’s important is to widen the beam of your flashlight. By doing so, coaching may shed light on new and useful areas of you, facets and details become visible that previously had been in the dark. The focus of your awareness (mindfulness) widens. You are able to perceive other parts of your reality, re-describe how you in the past dealt with a similar situation and thus generate more options.

You have become more Mindful about your actions, observing without being caught up in it, and by not identifying with your actions you have set the stage for re-describing your problem, and focusing in on a solution – you have become aware of your expanded choices, you are now Focused on a Solution.

One very central effect of Coaching, and the Transition Coaching I do, consists of your increased self-confidence in your own ability, and trust, to master a difficult situation. Confidence is a prerequisite for taking small steps for change. The coaching creates a framework in which you, my client, become aware of your competencies and resources and are able to access them – you become aware of the competencies you previously used to master situations that were as difficult as the one at hand, re-describe, re-discover, and if you trust in yourself, you will be able to try something new and different to reach your goals (and a solution to your problem).

This is what Mindful Solution-Focused Coaching is, and that’s my approach in my Transition Coaching service I offer.

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My Friends!

Yes, my blog is about to Live by Design. Have the life you want. Get the help you need

Today though I like to address one specific life changing situation too many of us are facing. Either because we are in the fight ourselves or becasue we have family or friends who are.

Transitions in Life are about CHANGE and change means taking ACTION.

Today I AM asking YOU to take ACTION. Action to FIGHT CANCER.

We ALL know someone who have been affected by cancer and I’m asking you to join me in the fight, and my initiative in support of fighting cancer (

The website is right now linked to my blog but my hope is to set up a website and start donating proceeds from my Transition & Retirement Coaching business (, with the hope my initiative will spark others, businesses as well as individuals, to take up the fight.


In the meantime please consider donating to your local chapter of American Cancer Society, StandUp2Cancer or any other charity in your community or country that support our fight to prevent, cure, and defeat cancer. Forget U Cancer ( is an example of a local Beacon, NY initiativ to help raising money to families in the community with family members who are fighting cancer.

God bless!

Here’s a guest blog by Eric Stevenson, a health and safety advocate who resides in the Southeastern US.

Mentally processing and coping with chronic illnesses, like cancer can be more complicated than some may assume. The emotional highs and lows, coupled with the physical trauma of enduring treatment side effects and chronic and sever pain, make for mentally distant, depressed, anxious, and stressed individuals.  The Different stages of coping with cancer, from pre-diagnostic symptoms to diagnosis, treatment, and remission, all bring about varying concerns that ought to be understood and managed in equally varying ways. However, despite the dynamic nature of the affliction, it is important for there to be one constant: maintaining a positive attitude.

Even before cancer is diagnosed, those suffering from it must cope with the fear and anxiety of the unknown. If the patients are experiencing symptoms that are unexplained, they may show serious concern. This is normal and can be combated simply by remaining positive and requesting a cancer screening. The results of this screening will determine whether further steps must be taken. By staying positive, stress levels are reduced and one’s general quality of life is improved.

Diagnosis is a mentally difficult process. This stage presents a critical moment in the patient’s life. It is imperative to maintain a positive attitude throughout this process. The initial diagnosis presents the patient with a wave of new and shocking information.   Starting with denial, the patient experiences a wide range of emotional distress.  Coping with the emotional anxiety, depression, and fear often means that newly diagnosed patients miss important medical information during appointments with their doctor’s.  New patients should take time to digest the news before attempting to understand exactly what treatment options are recommended.  Allowing time for mental recuperation, and possibly scheduling an additional appointment, means that the patient has time to sort through their emotions, thus allowing them clarity of mind later, during the discussion of treatment options. Perhaps the most effective strategy for staying positive and coping with fearful emotions is through communication with loved ones. Sharing emotions and venting pent up thoughts can provide a cathartic release that is sometimes needed for patient’s to begin their recovery.

Cancer treatment is also a mentally taxing experience.   The level of aggression of treatment may depend on the patient’s type and stage of cancer. For example, mesothelioma patients often endure extremely aggressive treatment.  Because of the latency of mesothelioma symptoms, patients’ cancer tends to have already metastasized. Mesothelioma life expectancy rates are low, and patients diagnosed with terminal cancer naturally experience a more drastic range of mental and emotional distress symptoms. Also, besides coping with physicality and side effects of treatment, organizing other necessities, like transportation and treatment dates, can allow patients mental clarity and relief. It may also be beneficial for patients and families of patients to seek professional guidance, either from therapists, support groups, or a combination of the two.

Though it may seem as though cancer survivors should be relieved and elated when they’re declared cancer-free, news of remission can result in devastating mental and emotional effects.  Those who no longer have to battle cancer often live in fear and anxiety, dreading the return of the malignant cells. According to the National Cancer Institute, post-treatment survivors should be honest about the complexity of their emotions, coming to terms with the fact that there is nothing wrong about feeling fearful rather than happy.  Expressing these feelings to supporters and family members can also aid in avoiding confusing family situations and miscommunications.

Thank you Eric 🙂

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Lars – Transition & Retirement Coach

Certified Retirement Coach


May 2024