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Life energy flows through us like a swift stream when there is nothing to obstruct it, but various forces such as trauma, downbeat vibrations, and disappointments act like stones that impede the current.

Allow the energy to take charge of your own well-being by taking steps to unblock, correct, and enhance that flow.

The importance of social skills is crucial.

Never have social skills been as important. Human Capital is a major success factor in today’s corporate environment.

In the personal face to face meeting, the customer expects world-class treatment. All business, regardless of size and industry, takes place between people. Your social capability, i.e. the ability to understand how your behavior affects the group dynamics and other people’s behavior, as well as the ability to adapt will give you success. Become the best version of yourself and dare to go outside the box. Invest in your and your co-workers’ ability to be present, to listen genuinely, and confirm and convey a clear and professional response based on what the client tells you and ask for.

In today’s digital world that’s huge, and a winning strategy for a successful relationship with your clients.

Imagine your encounter a problem.

Imagine you are equipped with a flashlight.

Awareness (mindfulness) is a bit like the flashlight. Whatever you direct the beam towards becomes visible in the dark. Oftentime you direct its beam toward the problem you encounter – and all the rest is in darkness.

What’s important is to widen the beam of your flashlight. By doing so, coaching may shed light on new and useful areas of you, facets and details become visible that previously had been in the dark. The focus of your awareness (mindfulness) widens. You are able to perceive other parts of your reality, re-describe how you in the past dealt with a similar situation and thus generate more options.

You have become more Mindful about your actions, observing without being caught up in it, and by not identifying with your actions you have set the stage for re-describing your problem, and focusing in on a solution – you have become aware of your expanded choices, you are now Focused on a Solution.

One very central effect of Coaching, and the Transition Coaching I do, consists of your increased self-confidence in your own ability, and trust, to master a difficult situation. Confidence is a prerequisite for taking small steps for change. The coaching creates a framework in which you, my client, become aware of your competencies and resources and are able to access them – you become aware of the competencies you previously used to master situations that were as difficult as the one at hand, re-describe, re-discover, and if you trust in yourself, you will be able to try something new and different to reach your goals (and a solution to your problem).

This is what Mindful Solution-Focused Coaching is, and that’s my approach in my Transition Coaching service I offer.

Get Ready 4 Change. Have the Life you want! Get the support you need.

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My Friends!

Yes, my blog is about to Live by Design. Have the life you want. Get the help you need

Today though I like to address one specific life changing situation too many of us are facing. Either because we are in the fight ourselves or becasue we have family or friends who are.

Transitions in Life are about CHANGE and change means taking ACTION.

Today I AM asking YOU to take ACTION. Action to FIGHT CANCER.

We ALL know someone who have been affected by cancer and I’m asking you to join me in the fight, and my initiative in support of fighting cancer (

The website is right now linked to my blog but my hope is to set up a website and start donating proceeds from my Transition & Retirement Coaching business (, with the hope my initiative will spark others, businesses as well as individuals, to take up the fight.


In the meantime please consider donating to your local chapter of American Cancer Society, StandUp2Cancer or any other charity in your community or country that support our fight to prevent, cure, and defeat cancer. Forget U Cancer ( is an example of a local Beacon, NY initiativ to help raising money to families in the community with family members who are fighting cancer.

God bless!


Everybody feels fear when dealing with something totally new in life, yet many people are out there ‘doing it’ anyway.

This must mean that fear is not the problem.

It’s how we deal with fear. How we hold the fear.

For some, they hold their fear from a place of power (their fear gives them choice, energy, and action. For others, it creates a state of shut down and they hold their fear from a place of pain (their fear makes them feel helpless, depressed, and stuck).

The cure for our fear lies in saying ‘yes’.

The phrase ‘say yes’ means ‘to agree to’ those things that Life hands to us.

Saying yes means not struggling against, but letting in the opportunities of seeing the World in new ways. On the other hand, saying no means to be a victim. ‘How could this happen to me!’

Saying no means to block, to fight, to struggle against opportunities for growth and challenge. Saying no creates tension, tiredness, wasted energy, upset feelings, – or, worse, it creates a lack of caring.

Say yes to Life. Join in. Move. Act. Write. Read. Stand up. Take a stand. Or do whatever works for you. Get involved in the process.

Become what you want to attract.

Be the kind of person you want to surround yourself with.

Be the change you want to see in others…

…and embrace FEAR in the process.


In today’s world we live a life in where we embrace change as not only something positive but more importantly a necessity of survival.

And where the future belongs to those who are able to take better advantage of social tools, extending their capabilities in ways that violate old models not because they know more useful things than we, the older generation do, but because they know fewer useless things than we do.

Our social tools are dramatically improving our ability to share, cooperate, and act together.

The power of organizing without organizations.

The power of getting things done by collaborating collectively without a hierarchical flow of decision makings. Malcom Gladwell in “What the Dog Saw” said; “If everyone had to think outside the box, maybe it was the box that needed fixing.” Seen in that light, social tools don’t create collective action – they merely remove the obstacles to it. Those obstacles have been so significant and pervasive, however, that as they are being removed, the world is becoming a different place.

Many of the changes we see are not based on the fanciest, newest bits of technology but on simple, easy-to-use tools like smartphones, apps, blogs and websites, because those are tools most people have access to and, critically, are comfortable using in their daily lives. Revolution doesn’t happen when society adopts new technologies – it happens when society adopts new behaviors.

So as more people adopt simple social tools, and as those tools allow increasingly rapid communication, the speed of group action also increases, and just as more is different, faster is different.

Holacracy  is a new way of running an organization. It removes power from a traditional management hierarchy and distributes it across clear roles without a micromanaging boss. The work is actually more structured than in a conventional company, just differently so. With Holacracy there is a clear set of rules and processes for how a team breaks up its work, and defines its roles with clear responsibilities and expectations.

It’s possible because of the rapid communication, the speed of which the group can act, taking advantage of social tools, adapting new behaviors faster than can be done in a traditional hierarchical environment and way of working.

The power of organizing without organizations are here to stay.

Here comes everybody, interconnected with social tools most people have access to, and not only to a few selected with their names in square boxes, interconnected with lines on a piece of paper.


I feed off inspiration ALL the time. Everything I do is born out of inspiration. Is that bad?

It’s probably the reason why I am not always MOTIVATED… Inspiration is defined as the process of being mentally stimulated to do something, especially something creative. BUT it’s an EXTERNAL force…MOTIVATION is an INTERNAL drive…

SO I need to learn to ACT on everyday inspiration – MOTIVATION does that. It comes from within and propels me to ACT on the inspiration I can find anywhere – IF I choose and am willing to look for it…

I need to let the inspiration turn into motivation to act and allow it to be the accelerant to produce more of my “monster” ideas and plots when I write my stories; or when I help others excel and become more thoughtful, mindful and solution-focused; as a way of living, behaving, and working with others.

And YOU can do the same! Choose to let your inspiration feed your motivation to ACT!

The word coaching is indeed widely used – from management support services, to a wellness coach in our fitness club. For clarity, let me explain what I mean by coaching.

For a moment, think about the arts and crafts of frame making…framing a picture in such a way that it can unfold its full expressivity is an art that few people have mastered. Rembrandt was quoted as saying that during his whole career it was more difficult for him to find an appropriate frame than to paint the picture!

Now, think about coaching as framing a piece of art…As a coach we create a frame (of thought) for the individual or team in which his or her goals, solutions, and first steps can shine. The frame constructed by the coach consists of goal-oriented questions, reinforcing feedback. present listening, and useful summary.

It is the task of coaching to ensure that the individual or team receive the appropriate frame. But just like the frame maker, the coach would never start actively creating the picture.

ThinkLARS – Life stress relieving Awareness and Resources for your Success 

A helping hand...coaching

A helping hand…coaching

Being Focused on the Solution of a situation rather than the cause – the problem – is the driving force behind SF coaching.

The idea being that it’s more useful to focus attention on building solutions for problems than on analyzing causes of problems, trusting that any person is competent to solve his or her own problems, but may need help finding solutions that fit his or her unique circumstances; individualized solutions that are really owned by the coachee/performer/team. 

  • Problem talk is negative, solution talk is positive and future focused.
  • The future is both created and negotiable. People are not locked into a set of behaviors based on history and problems of the past.
  • If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. If it works, do more of it.
  • The solution is not necessarily related to the problem. Talking about and acting upon what will be different is the focus, not uncovering why the problem occurred.
  • No problem happens all the time; there are always exceptions that can be utilized. These exceptions can be used to create the solution.
  • Small steps can lead to big changes. Being solution focused means using a series of small manageable steps to build the path to a Solution.
  • Again, problem talk is negative, solution talk is positive and future focused.

ThinkLARS – Life stress relieving Awareness and Resources for your Success!


...being positive and future focused

Being Solution Focused…











Mindfulness is awareness of, and an alert observing of your thoughts, emotions, body sensations, desires, memories, images, personality dynamics, attitudes, motivation, behavior, etc.

When you are mindful of something, you are observing it, not caught up in it and not identified with it. With people, you become more settled into being fully there with them, more peacefully relaxed in awareness of them and you and what’s happening, less identified with pleasant or unpleasant reactions that arise, less caught up in the past or future or sense of needing to make something happen. We can feel it immediately when someone else is mindfully present with us; similarly, others can feel it when you are that way yourself.

Hmm...being in the presence

Hmm…being in the presence










ThinkLARS – Life stress relieving Awareness and Resources for your Success!

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Lars – Transition & Retirement Coach

Certified Retirement Coach


May 2024